
Recommendation to Expand the Clerkship Travel Program to Support Northern and Rural Health Equity in Ontario

Endorsed in:

September, 2024

Paper Type:

Position Paper


  • Stephanie Pye (McMaster University)
  • Taylor Hammond (NOSM University)


In Canada, medical students participate in medical electives to explore diverse fields of medicine during
their training. This exposure aids in specialty selection, enhances knowledge, and fosters an appreciation
for various medical disciplines. Some students opt to undertake electives at universities beyond their
home campus to broaden their experiences. However, obstacles such as travel and accommodation
expenses can hinder participation, particularly for electives in rural or remote areas.
To alleviate financial burdens associated with elective placements, Health Force Ontario has established
the Clerkship Travel Program (CTP). Presently, only tertiary hospitals qualify for CTP funding, excluding
smaller communities. This limitation is concerning, especially considering the disproportionate rate at
which the physician shortage impacts northern and rural regions in Ontario. With approximately half of
Ontario physicians anticipated to retire in the next five years, the need for improved access to healthcare
in rural communities is crucial.


Northern Ontario, which is largely made up of rural communities, is generally excluded from the benefits
of this program. Current limitations to the CTP further exacerbate existing disparities and impedes efforts
to recruit healthcare professionals to underserviced areas. Expanding CTP funding to encompass rural
communities presents a promising strategy to enhance healthcare accessibility in these regions of


The Ontario Medical Students Association recommends the following:

  1. That Health Force Ontario expand their list of approved sites for the Clerkship Travel Program
    to include non-Academic Health Science Centres such as rural community hospitals and
  2. That Health Force Ontario expand their list of eligible accommodation and transportation
    items for reimbursement under the Clerkship Travel Program.
  3. That Health Force Ontario increase the maximum funding under the Clerkship Travel Program
    from $1500 to $2500 for electives that are 4 weeks or longer.