
OMA Insurance Services (OMA)

OMA Insurance has partnered with OMSA to provide medical students with access to objective education, advice, and resources about financial wellness.

Watch what OMSA’s past executives say about the importance of insurance.

Take advantage of the OMA Insurance Student Life & Disability Offer; a customized plan providing financial protection for your Line of Credit (the investment you’re making in your future and your most valuable asset — your ability to earn an income and pay it back).

The Offer includes:

  • Disability coverage that pays you a tax-free monthly income if you become sick or injured during medical school:

    • $2,000 per month in Year 1 & 2,
    • $3,000 per month in Year 3,
    • $4,500 per month in your final year,
  • McMaster students are eligible for $3,000 of disability coverage in year two of study and $4,500 of coverage in year three of study.
  • The monthly disability premium for Essentials for Students is about the same price as one breakfast a month.
  • $200,000 complimentary life insurance,
  • No medical tests or health questions for first year medical students. Simplified underwriting for students in year 2, 3 & 4.
  • No obligation.

Get covered today by completing a five-minute online application.
Year One: Download application
Other than year one: Download application

Advantages Retirement Plan

Participate in the OMA Advantages Retirement PlanTM to start saving through a Tax-Free Savings Account, or Registered Retirement Savings Plan. To participate in the plan, you can start saving with as little as $50 per month, and no monthly fee for 12 months.

Connect with your OMAI Education & Engagement Specialist to learn more:

Jessa Walker

Northern School of Medicine

Western University

Shawnee Balfour

Queen’s University

University of Toronto

Moneet Mann

McMaster University

University of Ottawa
