OMSA’s council is made up of 21 members. The President, the President-Elect, and seven portfolio directors compose the new 9-member Executive Board. The remaining 12 members are VP Externals, of which there are two (one senior and one junior) from each Ontario Medical School. Additionally, each of the 7 portfolios has a number of committees with chairs and general members. Click below to learn more:
The President of OMSA is the elected chief officer and is responsible for providing strategic direction for organization. They support all VPs and VP Externals in their work to devleop and implement programs to serve Ontario’s medical students. The President is also responsible for listening, responding to, and representing the interests of Ontario's medical students as a spokesperson for OMSA. Finally, the President is also the Chair of the OMA Section of Medical Students. If you have an idea, a question, comment, or a concern of any nature that you would like to bring to OMSA’s attention, the President would love to hear from you!
The President-Elect of OMSA is responsible for working with the President to provide strategic direction for the organization, support all VPs and VP Externals in their work to develop and implement existing and new programs to serve Ontario’s medical students, and listen, respond to, and represent the interests of Ontario's medical students as a spokesperson for OMSA. The President-Elect is also the Chair of the OMSA Executive Council. If you have an idea, a question, comment, or a concern of any nature that you would like to bring to OMSA’s attention, the President-Elect would love to hear from you!
The Vice President of Public Relations, formerly known as the Vice President of Communications, is responsible for engaging all Ontario medical students by promoting and making accessible the organization's advocacy, events, and services. This includes managing the website, sending regular e-mails out to all students, social media, and coordination of orientation and first-year presentations. The Vice President of Public Relations (along with the chairs) liaises with the OMA, channels communication with other external bodies, and coordinates the dissemination of press releases for the organization.
Click HERE for a detailed description of the VP External role.
Officially founded in May 1974 during the Ontario Medical Association’s AGM, the Student Section of the OMA was started using the acronym “OMSA” (short for Ontario Medical Students Association) in 2004.
Copyright © 2024, Ontario Medical Students Association (OMSA).
The views expressed on this website do not in any way represent those of the Ontario Medical Association (OMA).