
Ontario Student Medical Education Research Conference (OSMERC)

Interested in medical education? The 2025 Ontario Student Medical Education Research

Conference (OSMERC) will be hosted on January 19th, 2025! OSMERC was established for

students, by students, and aims to provide a platform for research in the areas of medical and

health professions education. If you are involved in medical education research such as

assessment and feedback, curriculum design, novel pedagogies, student and practitioner

wellbeing, artificial intelligence in healthcare education and practice, we’d love to see your

abstract submissions – keep an eye out for further announcements!

Abstract Submissions are Now closed

OSMERC will be held on Sunday, January 19, 2025, from 9 am to 5 pm at the Chestnut Conference Center in Toronto, featuring student research, expert workshops, and engaging keynote speakers. Attendance will be confirmed and registration details will be sent closer to the conference date. Please forward any questions to We look forward to seeing you there!


FORM DEADLINE: Friday January 10, 2025 11:59 PM EST.





Stay Tuned for Upcoming Details!





Stay Tuned for Upcoming Details!





Stay Tuned for Upcoming Details!





Stay Tuned for Upcoming Details!


Best Oral Presentations:

1st place: Christina Lim and Matthew Van Oirschot (Exploring the Use of 3D Holographic Animations on Mixed-Reality Headsets to Teach Surgical Knot Tying Skills in Comparison to Current Teaching Modalities)

2nd place: Chloe Lau (Perfectionism in medical students: Associations with depression, loneliness, and stress)

3rd place: Christian David Neira Agonh (Assessing the Quality and Accessibility of Online Central Line Tutorials Using a Global Rating Scale)

Best Poster Presentations:

1st place: Alexa Moschella (Learning plan use in undergraduate medical education: a scoping review)

2nd place: Amr Saleh (The Predictive Power of Short Answer Questions in Undergraduate Medical Education Progress Difficulty)

3rd place: Nima Behravan, Darsh Shah, Nujud Al-Jabouri (Incorporating Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) into the Education and Assessment of Professionalism for Healthcare Professionals and Trainees)



Congratulations to all presenters last year at OSMERC 2023 for their fantastic work. A special shout out to our winners and runner-ups for best oral and poster presentations:

Best Oral Presentation: Gilmar Gutierrez, Isis Lunsky, Olivier Rabu (Developing an Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE) with Individuals with IDD as Simulated Patients for use in Early Medical Education)

Runner-Up Oral Presentation: Sarah Klapman, Brynna Wilson, Celine Vereecken Smith (The PATIENT Project: A Quality Improvement Initiative to Bring Patient-Centred Care to Case-Based Medical Education)

Best Poster Presentation: Danielle Solish, Michael Pierce (Slowing Down in Simulation: The Impact of a Forced Pause on Cognitive Load, Performance and Experience)

Runner-Up Poster Presentation: Eden Meisels, Rachel Goldfarb (Understanding department of family and community medicine resident perspectives on using an experience tracking tool in order to optimize educational value)


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I present if I am not the first author of a project?

Yes, you can present as long as you have contributed to the project and received approval from your supervisor.

Can I present a project as part of a group?

Absolutely! Group presentations are allowed.

Can I submit an abstract for a work-in-progress project?

Yes, works in progress are welcome for submission and presentation.

Am I allowed to submit more than one project abstract?

Yes, multiple abstract submissions are permitted.

Can I present if I am a member of OMSA?

Yes, OMSA members are eligible to present.

Who can I contact if I have further questions or conflicts of interest?

Please email us at for any additional inquiries or to discuss conflicts of interest.

Ariel Qi


Stephanie Chen


OSMERC Main Contacts

Pallavi Dutta

VP Education

OMSA Executive