
La Soumission De La Politique/Des Documents De Position

Passionate about a topic that you want OMSA to advocate for? Take the next step and submit a position paper proposal to OMSA! Proposals will be accepted until November 17ème, 2024, 11:59PM ET.

 Application form link  (includes details and insturctions)

Qu’est-ce qu’une prise de position ?

Position papers are topical papers endorsed and approved by OMSA Council, authored by Ontario medical student(s). Position papers provide a platform for OMSA to inform stakeholders of the medical student perspective. Therefore, these documents include a comprehensive background and a persuasive argument to justify its position and its policy recommendations. The paper defines the official stance of OMSA in any and all related conversations or discussions regarding the topic both in internal committee discussions and external organizations.

A position paper should outline a current issue, provide examples of successful solutions, and describe the benefits and risks if its recommendations were implemented. All position papers must contain some component of actionability. Position papers are a significant undertaking.

All topics are welcome for submission. The topic of your paper can be anything you are passionate about—any medical education or health policy issue in Ontario.

Link to Past OMSA Position Papers: 

Link to Flowchart for Position Paper Assessment & Selection Process

Link to Official Policy Document on Position Papers

What is the submission process for the position paper: call for proposals? 

The call for proposals requests author(s) create a one-page proposal document for the topic and ideas they’d like to include in their position paper. There is no full paper required during the proposal stage.

How do I write a proposal and where are the instructions? 

For instructions on what this proposal should include, please click the application form above.


Pour démarrer le processus de rédaction d'un document d'orientation (y compris un exposé de position), les membres de l'OMSA doivent identifier un problème, rechercher son contexte et comprendre le point de vue des étudiants en médecine sur la question. Le sujet doit être important pour les étudiants en médecine et relever du champ d’application de l’OMSA, qui comprend :

  • Soutenir le rôle de l’OMSA et de ses comités de politique éducative ou de politique politique et de réponse
  • Représenter les points de vue et les préoccupations des étudiants en médecine de l’Ontario
  • Défendre la santé des Ontariens (c.-à-d. des changements dans l'éducation médicale, la politique de santé ou la prestation des soins de santé qui bénéficieront aux étudiants en médecine de l'Ontario et/ou aux personnes pour lesquelles ils sont formés)

Application form link   
