
Addressing Childhood Obesity Through Student Nutrition Program

Endorsed in:

September, 2015

Paper Type:

Position Paper


  • Danusha Jebanesan (University of Ottawa)
  • Vivian Tam (McMaster University)
  • Annie Wang (University of Toronto)


Causes of childhood obesity are complex and multifactorial, and have been associated with behavioural, social, environmental and genetic risk factors at the individual, family, community and societal levels. Schools have been identified by many international organizations as a pivotal environment for promoting healthy weights and cultivating healthy habits. This paper evaluates the current Ontario Student Nutrition Program (SNP) and provides some recommendations to help improve on the service is provides.


  • SNPs should be expanded by 10% ($3.2 million) in order to include all publicly funded elementary and secondary schools in Ontario
  • Health professionals provide health promotion and nutrition training to teachers
  • Monitoring and assessment on the progress of SNP