WE are the future.
Meds Class of 2017 will be known for nothing.
And no body will ever say,
Together, we stand for our community;
This, is a blatant lie. The truth is,
we have little enthusiasm & together, we have failed.
Thinking that
All of your opinions matter,
Is a waste of time. And please know
Becoming self-entitled physicians,
Is what makes us such an incredible collective.
Being compassionate, honest and progressive,
Is just plain foolish.
Forgetting about the hard work that brought us here,
will not be easy, but, we will definitely try.
Bringing out the best & brightest physicians,
is something our medical schools won’t do.
Giving up easily,
is how we will handle problems.
Hard work and communication,
is a joke.
I know that
People think we can’t change our generation’s dynamics…
It may be true,
Unless, you give us a chance to turn things around…
This reflection is all about changing perspective and being cautious about jumping the gun on conclusions. From medical school so far, I have learned there are many different angles to consider when communicating with patients, staff and colleagues. As such, this piece is meant to be read from bottom to top:
Unless, you give us a chance to turn things around…
It may be true,
People think we can’t change our generation’s dynamics…
I know that
is a joke.
Hard work and communication,
is how we will handle problems.
Giving up easily,
is something our medical schools won’t do.
Bringing out the best & brightest physicians,
will not be easy, but, we will definitely try.
Forgetting about the hard work that brought us here,
Is just plain foolish.
Being compassionate, honest and progressive,
Is what makes us such an incredible collective.
Becoming self-entitled physicians,
Is a waste of time. And please know
All of your opinions matter,
Thinking that
we have little enthusiasm & together, we have failed.
This, is a blatant lie. The truth is,
Together, we stand for our community;
And no body will ever say,
Meds Class of 2017 will be known for nothing.
WE are the future.
Tehmina Ahmad, Class of 2017, Western University
Officially founded in May 1974 during the Ontario Medical Association’s AGM, the Student Section of the OMA was started using the acronym “OMSA” (short for Ontario Medical Students Association) in 2004.
Copyright © 2024, Ontario Medical Students Association (OMSA).
The views expressed on this website do not in any way represent those of the Ontario Medical Association (OMA).