
OMSA Lobby Day 2013 Ask Mentioned by Minister of Health

OMSA was mentioned on Oct 29, 2013 by the Hon. Deb Matthews in the Review of 2013-2014 Estimates for the MOHLTC. She and her Deputy Minister cited the concerns of Ontario medical students regarding specialty job shortages and they referenced the Health Force Ontario (HFO) projections of 2010 (available here) as evidence that the Ontario government is eager to facilitate a match between supply and demand. In this era of health system savings, organized and on-going health human resources (HHR) planning will continue to make practical and financial sense. As much as the HFO paper was a great start, an on-going commitment to HHR will be required to better inform students of realistic job prospects, and thereby match the healthcare needs of Ontarians with the types of doctors finishing residency.

Branden D., Queen’s University
