
OMSA Lobby Day 2018: Advocating for Physician Services Planning

In their final year of medical school, students apply for residency positions in a process known as “the match”. Historically, 10 to 20 graduates in Canada have gone unmatched each year. However, that number has risen dramatically since 2011, rising to 46 in 2016 and 68 in 2017 and is projected to reach 141 in 2021. This year, medical students in Ontario overwhelmingly voted for OMSA to advocate for improved physician services planning for our annual Lobby Day today. OMSA engaged over 60 medical students from across Ontario in our advocacy. Medical students implore the Government of Ontario to create a physician workforce that meets Ontario’s needs, is transparent in its physician services planning to enable medical students’ informed decision-making, and that ensures an adequate number of residency spots for every single Ontario medical graduate.

Click here to read the full press release from OMSA.

For more information on OMSA’s advocacy efforts, please visit our Advocacy Priorities page or contact
