
Wellness Resources

The OMSA Mental Health Working Group has put together a document containing Mental Health Resources for all medical students, which we’ve attached herePlease feel free to share widely! See below for our resource infographic or refer here for our archived blog.

1. OMSA Wellness FB PageA place for Ontario medical students to connect and attend interactive events regarding mental health and well-being in medicine.
2. Safe Spaces CFMSCommunity of peer support discussions with the CMA for medical students across Canada to discuss issues related to medical student health and wellness.
3. Perspectives in Medicine
Medical students and professionals can  share their experiences through stories, poems, or other forms of expression with the community, whether they are stories of triumphs, failures, hardships, or whether they spark inspiration, reflection, a laugh, or a cry. These stories help build community, fight stigma against mental illness, and remind each other that it’s okay not to be okay.We are excited to hear your stories.
4. Wellness Retreat
The Wellness Retreat is a perfect weekend for medical students looking for the chance to relax and learn how to live a healthier lifestyle. This annual three-day event provides a unique opportunity to focus on your own health and wellbeing.

Clerkship Resources: Access resources for our students entering clerkship, including how to navigate the electives portal and an introduction to CaRMS.

Clerkship Kits: Each year, first year clerks receive a small gift to celebrate their transition into the clinical learning environment. These kits have been sponsored by OMSA, OMA, and OMA insurance. Most recently, kits included: fanny packs, cutlery kits, PPE Portraits, and pronoun pins or personalized school pins.
